Both Terry and Barbara are converts to the church. While we joined independently of each other, our stories are very similar. We were both introduced to the Church of Jesus Christ by friends, who were not only an example to us, but actually opened their mouths and invited us to learn more. We loved what was being taught to us as it "felt" like things we already knew. The decision to be baptized was an easy one. We wanted to follow Jesus.
After Barb joined the church in Las Vegas in 1976, she moved up to Reno, Nevada and met Terry who had been a member for six years. We met at the Institute of Religion, where religious classes and activities are held for college aged kids. We were married in the Oakland Temple on October 1, 1977, for time AND eternity not just "till death due us part". We love knowing that our family can be together forever! We have 5 amazing children and their spouses, whom we love SO MUCH, and we are lucky enough to have 15 wonderful grandchildren as well.
Our life is good and we know it is because of our belief and active participation in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We know that the church that Christ established while He was on the earth was lost because of the Apostasy but has been brought back to the earth again through the Prophet Joseph Smith. We also know that the keys of the Priesthood, or the authority and power of God, are back on the earth today. This means that we can make and keep sacred covenants and participate in ordinances performed by someone who actually has authority to perform them. We know that revelation has not stopped and that we have a Prophet of God on the earth today. We know that we are children of our Father in Heaven and that He loves us. He wants us to be happy and return to live with Him again. And we know that He has provided a way for that to happen through what is called the Plan of Salvation or the Plan of Happiness. Our Savior Jesus Christ is central to that plan. Jesus Christ is our Savior and the Redeem of the world. We know everyone can "know" these things for themselves. If you want to know more, just ask us, or any other missionary you see with a little black badge over their heart. We would love to share!